Pure Design VR2 Vandroning

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Fra de samme producenter af et af de mest tildelte mærker i verden ankommer en ny romaskine med vand til markedet:
Pure Design VR2  med et elegant design har denne utrolige fitness-ro blevet lavet af stål og aluminium i højeste kvalitet.


Monitoren måler meter i sekundet, afstand, padler og forbrændte kalorier.


Det perfeckte valg, hvis du ikke ønsker at investere for meget i en vandløber, men forventer den samme kvalitet fra et af de mest berømte romærker i verden.

Pay now:

13.995,00 kr. 8.995,00 kr.

Payment by financing:

0% APR. for 12 months. /month

Vil du have det så hurtigt som muligt? Vi giver dig besked, når det vender tilbage!

Brug for hjælp?




  • Maksimer forstærkningen, minimer tiden: vandroning gør det med et opfattet niveau af indsats, der er meget lavere end andre aerobe øvelser.

  • Ved at distribuere arbejde i en lang række muskler forbruger fitness roning kalorier i flere muskler, hvilket tillader et højt forbrug inden for grænserne for brugertræthed.  

  • Andre øvelser (såsom at løbe på en løbebånd eller en elliptisk cykel) kræver meget højere intensiteter for at opnå det samme kalori indtag som roning.




  • Padlen bevæger leddene gennem et fuldt udvalg af bevægelser, fra fuldt udstrakte ben til fuldt sammentrukne og helt sammensatte arme til fuldt udstrakte.

  •  Leddens bevægelse gennem et komplet bevægelsesområde hjælper med at smøre dem, mobilitet og generel sundhed

  • Roning er en glat og flydende handling, der indebærer ringe eller ingen indflydelse på leddene.




  • Harmonien udvikler sig fra en naturlig balance mellem elementerne.  

  • WaterRower eller romaskine med vand, kombinerer generelt roen i det bevægende vand, træets varme og træningstempoet.


Disse kvaliteter kombineres for at give en naturligt behagelig aktivitet.

Veltræner kroppen, mens du beroliger sindet.

WaterRower er sammensat til at fange roningens æstetik, og er dejlig og nem at bruge.

Afslappende toner og blød handling opmuntrer brugeren fra et slag til det andet.




  • Roning bruger 84% af muskelmassen.

  • Fra fingerspidserne, der holder håndtaget til fødderne, der er forbundet med fodstøtten, bidrager alle muskler mellem disse to punkter til padlen.

  • Ved at maksimere muskelmassen, der bidrages til træning er WaterRower et enestående fordel.  

  • Andre almindelige aerobisk træningsudstyr, såsom løbebånd, spindecykler, elliptiske maskiner, endda andre romaskiner, bruger meget mindre muskelmasse, forbrænder færre kalorier og skaber mindre træningsfordele.


Tekniske oplysninger


  • Størrelse: H.48 x B57 x L210cm

  • Maksimal brugervægt: 120kg”

Yderligere information
Weight 1.000000
Modelnavn VR2
Garantidetaljer 2 Years
Dimensioner Åben 210 x 60 x 53 cm
Dimensioner lukket 53 x 60 x 210 cm
Folde Semi
Display VR2 Monitor
Maksimal brugervægt (KG) 141 - 160 Kg
Anbefalet Brug Husstand
Interaktivitet Grundlæggende konsol


Choose the delivery method best suited to your needs

Fitness products are large and heavy and the assembly only a small part of the process.
All our products are delivered free of charge outside your home. Normally this is not a problem for small fitness products like spinning bikes or small treadmills. However, if you live in a flat and have bought a 200 kilo machine, maybe the best is to hire our two man delivery and / or our premium delivery and installation service.

Free delivery: All products include free kerbside delivery.

Premium delivery and installation: ideal for heavy products and domestic gyms with more than one machine. The machines will be assembled, tested and all the packaging will be taken for recycling. The cost of this service varies depending on the number of machines and access to your home. We recommend requesting a custom quote for orders with this service. (Price may change depending on the location and access to your home)

PROMO PRODUCTS including free installation may be delivered and installed in different dates.


We do not assume any additional costs that may arise during shipment in the event that standard delivery is not possible due to access restrictions and additional handling is required. We reserve the right to request an additional cost to cover expenses arising from the hiring of cranes, additional personnel, adapted vehicles or other similar circumstances.
In the event that the delivery truck is unable to reach the specified address, the delivery will be made at the nearest and most accessible point. If you would like another special delivery service, you will have to request an additional quote, at your own expense.


FitnessInn carries more than 1.000.000 £ in stock at any given time. We are one of the few fitness distributors with this capacity and quantity of products ready to be shipped in 24 hours.
If you bought a machine with us before 12.00 and we have it in stock, it will leave our warehouse on the same day . In this case, depending on where you live and your chosen delivery method, you will receive your product in 1 to 4 work days approximately once dispatched.


  • 2 man delivery inside the house + Professional installation: We will dispatch the product directly to the technician taking 1-4 work days approximately. Once he receive it he will contact you in 1-5 work days do book a delivery + installation date and time suitable for you.
  • Full Domestic and Commercial Gyms: If we are building your gym, at the time of purchase, the Sales Person will indicate the approximate delivery time.
    You can always contact us directly to follow your order at [email protected] or with sales person who attended you.
  • Out-of-stock products: Due to the high turnover of certain products, it may be that you have purchased a product that we no longer have.
    In this case we will contact you within 24-48 hours with a new approximate delivery time. It is our policy to offer our customers superior products at the same price.
  • Orders dispatched directly from the manufacturer: Delivery times may vary depending on the brand, we will let you know the delivery date as soon as possible.
  • Due to high volumes of orders over the Black Friday - Christmas period, delivery times may vary.

For at afvikle din ordre på GymCompany kan du vælge mellem forskellige betalingsmetoder:


Vi sender dig en bekræftelses-e-mail med dit kontonummer og en oversigt over din ordre.

Bank detaljer:

Account Holder: Gymcompany SL

IBAN: ES0301823247262012366024 (DKK)


Ingen af vores kunder har rapporteret om svigagtig brug af deres kreditkort som følge af køb i vores butik eller hjemmeside.

Vi har så stor tillid til vores systems sikkerhed, at vi godkender hvert køb med en sikkerhedsgaranti.

Vi bruger en sikker server, og alle data, inklusive bankoplysninger, krypteres automatisk ved hjælp af Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

Kreditkort tilladt: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, JCB.


Du vil blive omdirigeret til PayPal hjemmeside.

Din ordre sendes så snart PayPal bekræfter den fulde betaling.

I nogle tilfælde (forkerte eller manglende data) forbeholder GymCompany sig retten til at anmode om en anden form for betaling.

At GymCompany we work with the best service companies in the fitness sector. This is transmitted not only in the quality of our products but above all in the after-sales service and the product warranty .

All our products, without exception, are original and enjoy full and complete manufacturer’s warranty.

Normally (with exceptions specified on the product page) they are:

  • Domestic Products: 2 years labour, 3 years electrical parts, 5 years motor and a lifetime in the structure
  • Commercial products: 1 year labour, 2 years electrical parts, 3 years motor and a lifetime in the structure.

Every day we receive thousands of requests to equip commercial gyms with domestic machines. We always make 100% clear that the domestic warranty is not valid for a commercial gym, however small it may be. Please keep in mind that if you buy a domestic machine and put it in a commercial environment, the warranty won´t cover any type of damage.

If you need any clarification, do not hesitate to call us and we will indicate the most suitable machines according to your needs. We are here to help!



Pay now:

13.995,00 kr. 8.995,00 kr.

Payment by financing:

0% APR. for 12 months. /month